Tue, Apr 26
|Online via Zoom
Author event facilitated by Leah Garret. Sponsored by the Contra Costa JCC, Congregation B'nai Shalom in partnership with the Jewish Book Council.

Time & Location
Apr 26, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT
Online via Zoom
About the Event
June 1942. The shadÂow of the Third Reich has fallÂen across the EuroÂpean conÂtiÂnent. In desÂperÂaÂtion, WinÂston Churchill and his chief of staff form an unusuÂal plan: a new comÂmanÂdo unit made up of JewÂish refugees who have escaped to Britain. The resultÂing volÂunÂteers are a motÂley group of intelÂlecÂtuÂals, artists, and athÂletes, most from GerÂmany and AusÂtria. Many have been interned as eneÂmy aliens, and have lost their whole worlds. They will stop at nothÂing to defeat the Nazis. Trained in counÂterÂinÂtelÂliÂgence and advanced comÂbat, this top-secret unit becomes known as X Troop. DrawÂing on extenÂsive origÂiÂnal research, includÂing interÂviews with the last surÂvivÂing memÂbers, GarÂrett folÂlows this unique band of brothÂers from GerÂmany to EngÂland and back, to British internÂment camps, the beachÂes of NorÂmandy, the batÂtleÂfields of Italy and HolÂland, and the hellscape of Terezin conÂcenÂtraÂtion camp‚ the scene of one of the most draÂmatÂic resÂcues of the war. X Troop tells the astonÂishÂing stoÂry of these secret shock troops and their devÂasÂtatÂing blows against the Nazis.
Leah GarÂrett is a proÂfesÂsor at Hunter ColÂlege. Her last book, Young Lions: How JewÂish Authors ReinÂventÂed the AmerÂiÂcan War NovÂel, won and was short-listÂed for sevÂerÂal major litÂerÂary awards. She lives in New York City with her husÂband and their two daughters.
You may order X Troop by Leah Garrett from:
- Flashlight Books in Walnut Creek: https://flashlightbooks.handseller.com/home/bookdetailsin/0358172039
- Rakestraw Books in Danville: https://www.rakestrawbooks.com/book/9780358172031
- Mrs. Dalloway's in Berkeley: https://www.mrsdalloways.com/book/9780358172031
- Your preferred bookstore and online retailer
Admission is free. Upon registration, you will first receive a confirmation email. An hour before the program begins, we will email the Zoom link you need to join the event. If you don't see these emails, please check your spam/junk folder to retrieve them. We suggest you add "notifications@wixevents.com" to your contacts list as well.
Sponsors: CCJCC, Congregation B'nai Shalom in partnership with the Jewish Book Council.
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