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As Albert Einstein noted, “Life is like riding a bicycle: to keep your balance you must keep moving.”
What does that mean for the CCJCC’s programming?
In these unprecedented times when social-distancing restrictions prevent many in-person gatherings, the CCJCC's premier program Under One Tent will “keep moving” with innovative and engaging events. We have also added a new program area, Young Families' Programming, which features a select number of in-person, family-focused, and most of the time, outdoor events.
For many of our events, we will partner with our local synagogues and Jewish organizations.
When the restrictions on large-scale gatherings are removed, we will look forward to joining with you again. As always, we are here to build connections, start conversations and enrich our community.
Larry Jacobs, President, Contra Costa Jewish Community Center
Jo-Ann Jacobson, Chair, Under One Tent