Wed, Mar 10
|Free Webinar
Free virtual speaker panel. Learn the latest in genetic testing, cancer prevention, and how inherited genes can impact men and women in your family.

Time & Location
Mar 10, 2021, 7:00 PM PST
Free Webinar
About the Event
Please join us for this important conversation about . You will hear from medical and subject matter experts offering the latest updates in genetic testing, cancer prevention, and how it impacts you and yours. This will be a open to all, with the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists. You will receive the Zoom link at the time of registration.hereditary cancer and its impact on the men and women in your familyfree, live event
Register Today:
Why should you register? 1 in 40 Ashkenazi Jews carries a BRCA gene mutation, increasing their risk for breast, ovarian, male breast, prostate, pancreatic, and melanoma cancers. Men and women can both be carriers of BRCA gene mutations, with each having a 50% chance of passing it on to the next generation. Join us to know the facts, learn the risks, and take action.
Pamela Munster, M.D., Co-Director of the UCSF Center for BRCA Research
Josh Barnhart, B.S., M.S., Genetic Counselor, John Muir Health
Raleigh Zwerin, Previvor and Peer Supporter
Moderated by Aimee Sax, MSW, California Program Coordinator of Sharsheret, The Jewish Breast & Ovarian Cancer Community. For more information or free support, visit . Questions?
Anshei Isaiah, Beth Chaim Congregation, B'nai Israel of Rossmoor, Chabad of Contra Costa, Congregation Beth Emek, Congregation B’nai Shalom, Congregation B’nai Tikvah, Contra Costa JCC, Contra Costa Jewish Day School, Diablo Valley Hadassah, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County, John Muir Health, NCJW, Sharsheret, Temple Isaiah, UCSF Center for BRCA Research, and Women of IsaiahSponsored by: