Thu, Dec 09
|Online via Zoom
Author event facilitated by Steven Nadler. Sponsors: CCJCC, Cong. B'nai Shalom and the Jewish Book Council.
Time & Location
Dec 09, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST
Online via Zoom
About the Event
PhilosoÂphers Steven Nadler and Lawrence Shapiro conÂsidÂer how large massÂes of peoÂple can embrace crazy, even danÂgerÂous ideas and how this bad thinkÂing driÂves bad actÂing, inspirÂing excepÂtionÂalÂly bad behavÂior. Nadler and Shapiro offer a way forÂward: the best antiÂdote for bad thinkÂing and actÂing is the wisÂdom, insights, and pracÂtiÂcal skills of philosophy.
They proÂvide an engagÂing tour through the basic prinÂciÂples of logÂic, arguÂment, eviÂdence, and probÂaÂbilÂiÂty; demonÂstratÂing how we can more readÂiÂly spot and avoid flawed arguÂments and unreÂliÂable inforÂmaÂtion; deterÂmine whether eviÂdence supÂports or conÂtraÂdicts an idea; disÂtinÂguish between mereÂly believÂing someÂthing and knowÂing it; and much more. In doing so, the book reveals how episÂteÂmolÂoÂgy, which addressÂes the nature of belief and knowlÂedge, and ethics, the study of moral prinÂciÂples that should govÂern our behavÂior, can reduce bad thinkÂing and bad action and make us all betÂter peoÂple and citÂiÂzens. When Bad ThinkÂing HapÂpens to Good PeoÂple explores why phiÂlosÂoÂphy’s milÂlenÂnia-old advice about how to lead a good, ratioÂnal, and examÂined life is essenÂtial for escapÂing our curÂrent predicament.
Steven Nadler is the William H. Hay II ProÂfesÂsor of PhiÂlosÂoÂphy at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin-MadiÂson, where he is the direcÂtor of the InstiÂtute for Research in the HumanÂiÂties. His books include Think Least of Death: SpinÂoza on How to Live and How to Die and (with Ben Nadler) Heretics!: The WonÂdrous and DanÂgerÂous BeginÂnings of ModÂern PhiÂlosÂoÂphy (both PrinceÂton).
You may purchase When Bad Thinking Happens to Good People: How Philosophy Can Save Us from Ourselves by Steven Nadler and Lawrence Shapiro at:
* Flashlight Books in Walnut Creek, https://flashlightbooks.handseller.com/home/bookdetailsin/0691212767
* Rakestraw Books in Danville, https://www.rakestrawbooks.com/book/9780691212760
* Your local bookstore or preferred online retailer. Â
Admission is free. Upon registration, you will first receive a confirmation email. An hour before the program begins, we will email the Zoom link you need to join the event. If you don't see these emails, please check your spam/junk folder to retrieve them. We suggest you add "notifications@wixevents.com" to your contacts list as well.
Sponsors: CCJCC, Cong. B'nai Shalom and the Jewish Book Council.
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