4-5 lb. stewing chicken, cut up (can substitute fryer, cut up or backs and necks)
1 parsnip, cut in large pieces
3-4 carrots, cut in large pieces
1 large onion, quartered
2-3 stalks celery with leaves, cut in large pieces
Sprig of dill and parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Put chicken in a large stockpot. Cover with 3 quarts water. Bring to a boil and skim off foam thoroughly for the first 30 minutes. Add cleaned vegetables and herbs. Cover and simmer until chicken is tender, 2 1/2 hours. Remove chicken meat. (Many just discard the chicken.) Discard herbs and any unwanted vegetables; however you may wish to retain some vegetables to slice and serve with the soup. Defat the broth by chilling and removing hardened fat from the top. Return chicken meat to broth, if desired. Soup freezes well.
Matzo balls:
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup carbonated water
4 eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. chopped dill
1 cup matzo meal
Add waters, oil, salt, and dill to beaten eggs, mixing well. Add matzo meal and mix well. Refrigerate 1 hour. Form into 1-inch balls and drop in boiling, salted water. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove balls and add to warm soup. Serves 6-8.

8 matzos
6 eggs
1 tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted margarine
1 cup raisins
4 large Granny Smith apples, grated
Moisten matzos with water until soft. Break into pieces. Beat eggs thoroughly. Add sugar, melted margarine and cinnamon. Add matzos to mixture. Stir in raisins and apples. Turn into greased 9×12 inch pan. Dot with additional butter. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes or until lightly browned. Serves 12.
1 cup matzo farfel
2 egg yolks
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. oil or chicken fat
Combine and mix together all ingredients. Spread out in a flat baking pan. Separate the farfel pieces and brown in moderate oven (350°). Serve in hot soup.
2 large zucchini
2 carrots
2 white potatoes
2 stalks celery
2 onions
3 cup matzoh farfel (wet and drained)
1/2 cup butter, melted
4 tsp. vegetable bouillon paste or powder
5 eggs, separated
Grate vegetables, add egg yolks and remaining ingredients. Beat egg whites and fold into mixture. Pour into a greased 9×13 inch pan and bake 1 1/2 hours at 350°. Serves 12.
3 eggs
2/3 cup matzo cake meal
1/2 tsp. potato flour
1/8 tsp. salt
Beat eggs and add cake meal, potato flour and salt. Knead and roll out 1/4 inch thick. Cut into 1/4 inch squares. Fry in deep hot oil (375°) until brown. Remove and drain on absorbent paper. Serve in hot soup.
1 (4 1/2 to 5 lb.) chicken
15 oz. strong chicken broth or use 1 bouillon cube and 15 oz. water
1 large garlic clove
Olive oil for brushing the bird
Salt and black pepper
Apricot-Matzo Stuffing:
4 oz. dried apricots, each cut in quarters
4 oz. matzo
6 oz. cooking water for apricots
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 oz. margarine
Grated zest of 1/2 large lemon
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 tsp. salt
Dash white pepper
1/2 tsp. paprika
1 Tbsp. chopped parsley
1 large egg
Stuffing: Cover apricots with water, cover and cook on 100% power in the microwave for 5 minutes or simmer in a small covered pan for 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Crumble the matzo as finely as possible into a large bowl. Add the 6 ounces liquid from the apricots and leave to soften. Meanwhile, cook the onion in the margarine until softened and golden. Add the seasonings and the beaten egg to the matzo, then add to the onions in the pan and cook gently until the matzo starts to brown and loses some of its wetness. Stir in the world drained apricots and mix well. Stuff the cavity of the bird.

When calculating the cooking time, allow an extra 15 minutes for the bird to settle out of the oven before it is carved. Preheat the oven to 375°. Put a poultry cradle or grilling rack in a roasting pan that will just hold the bird comfortably. Make a shallow nick on each side of the bird where the leg joint meets the breast and insert half the peeled clove of garlic under the skin. Brush the bird all over with olive oil and season with a sprinkling of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Heat broth and pour into the roasting pan, then lay the bird upside down on the cradle or a rack (if it doesn’t sit comfortably, on its side). Roast 20 minutes per pound, plus 20 minutes for a 5 pound bird, the total cooking time will be 2 hours. Base the bird every 1/2 hour with the stock, then 40 minutes before the end of the cooking time, turn it over and cook breast side up. Lift it onto a carving dish or board, cover lightly with foil.
2 tsp. potato starch
2 Tbsp. water or white wine
Pour off any free fat and add 10 ounces of boiling water. Stir well to loosen any of the crispy bits on the bottom of the tin, then pour into a small pan and add 2 teaspoons potato flour mixed to a cream with 2 tablespoons water or white wine. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Taste, correct the seasoning. Serves 4-6.
Note: To keep the breast meat juicy, the bird is cooked breast side down and turned over to complete the browning only in the last 40 minutes.

8 cups cauliflower florets (from 2 medium heads of cauliflower)
6 Tbsp. olive oil, divided
4 cups coarsely chopped leeks (white and pale green parts, from 3 large leeks)
6 Tbsp. matzo meal
3 large eggs
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley, divided
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill, divided
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1/3 cup almonds, toasted, chopped
Cook cauliflower in a large pot of boiling salted water until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain; transfer to a large bowl and mash coarsely with potato masher. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add leaks and sauté until tender and just beginning to color, about 5 minutes. Add leek mixture to cauliflower. Mix in matzo meal. Beat eggs, 1 tablespoon parsley, 1 tablespoon dill, salt and pepper in a small bowl to blend; stir into cauliflower mixture. Brush a 11×7 inch baking dish with 1 tablespoon oil. Spread cauliflower mixture evenly in prepared dish. Mix almonds, remaining parsley and dill and 2 tablespoons oil in a medium bowl to blend. Sprinkle evenly over kugel. (Can be made 8 hours ahead. Cover and chill.) Preheat oven to 350°. Bake kugel, uncovered, until set in center and beginning to brown on top, about 40 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes. Serves 8.
6 medium baking potatoes (4 white, 2 sweet), peeled (about 4 lbs.)
1 large onion, peeled
2 large eggs
1 tsp. salt or to taste
6 Tbsp. margarine or butter, melted
2 Tbsp. matzo meal
2 Tbsp. margarine or butter
Place rack in upper third of oven and preheat to 400°. Kugel: Grate the potatoes and onion in a food processor with the shredding disk or with a hand grater. Place in a colander and drain well, squeezing out excess moisture. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, salt, melted margarine and matzo meal. Stir in potatoes until well combined.
To Bake: Place 2 tablespoons margarine in a 9×13 inch baking dish. Melt in oven or microwave. Tilt dish to coat evenly. Poor potato mixture into dish and spread evenly. Bake, uncovered, at 400° for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 375° and continue baking for 45 more minutes or until top is crisp. Cut into squares. Serves 8.
Note: For year-round potato kugel substitute 2 tablespoons all purpose flour for the matzo meal.

2 whole matzos
2 large eggs
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. butter or margarine
Soak matzos in warm water for 3 minutes until soft, then squeeze out the water in a sieve. Scramble eggs with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Break up the matzos into bite-sized pieces and mix in the egg mixture. Melt 1 tablespoon butter or margarine in a small frying pan. When the butter is hot, add the matzo brei mix and pat it down hard. When the pancake is browned on the underneath side, turn it over onto a large plate, then slide the pancake back into the pan to cook again until the second side is well browned. (If serving more than one person, try to prepare each matzo brei in a separate pan, as it keeps the pancake from being too thick and remaining wet on the inside. For two people you can use a larger frying pan and slice the pancake in half when serving.) Slip on to a serving plate and serve with one of the following toppings: puréed, canned, or fresh fruit (drain liquids from canned fruits before puréeing), applesauce, flavored yogurt, sugar and cinnamon or fruit preserves of your choice.
Onion Matzo Brei: Chop 1 small onion per person or 1 medium onion for 2-3 people. Brown in butter or margarine until soft and sweet. Add cooked onions to the matzo brei mixture above before cooking. Mix well and continue cooking as above.
Mushroom-Onion Matzo Brei: Slice mushrooms (quantity to your liking) and add to the onions in the previous variation. Cook mushrooms and onions together until soft and slightly caramelized. Then add to the matzoh brei mixture and continue as above.
Apple Matzo Brei: Especially great for people with a sweet tooth! Peel 1 apple per person, slice the apple and cut into bite-size chunks. Add 1 tablespoon butter in the frying pan and sauté the apple pieces until they begin to caramelize. When soft, add them to the basic matzo brei mixture above and cook per basic instructions. Serves 2.
2 1/2 cups matzo farfel
1 cup slivered almonds,
1 cup walnuts or pecans or hazelnuts
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup raisins or other dried fruit
1/2 cup dried cherries, cranberries
Preheat oven 300°. Spread farfel and nuts and bake 15 minutes. Remove and stir and put in bowl. Combine butter, honey, brown sugar and cinnamon, and simmer until sugar is dissolved. Pour over farfel and mix well. Spread mixture in pan and bake 15 minutes. Let cool. Add dried fruit. Yield: 5 cups.
10 egg yolks
8 egg whites
1 tsp. white distilled vinegar
1 cup sugar
Lemon rind
1 Tbsp. vanilla
8 oz. hazelnut or almonds, ground
3-4 Tbsp. matzo meal
Apricot, raspberry jam or whipped cream
Preheat oven to 375°. Grease and flour or line bottom of 8-9 inch springform pan. Separate eggs. Beat egg whites with vinegar and a pinch of salt. Beat until stiff, but not dry; set aside. Mix sugar and eggs until mixture is pale and forms a ribbon. Add other ingredients. Fold carefully the dry ingredients with the egg whites as in preparing a soufflé. Turn mixture into the prepared pan and bake 40-50 minutes. Toothpick inserted into the center of the cake should show moist crumbs, not dry or runny.
Topping: Cut cake in half and spread your favorite jam in the center. This adds to its flavor and prevents cake from being too dry. Whipped cream may also be added. Serves 10.

1 Passover sponge cake, freeze ahead
2 cups heavy cream, whipped
1 (6 oz.) vanilla pudding (kosher for Passover)
3 bananas
1 pt. strawberries, some sliced and some whole for top decoration
1 small can mandarin oranges, drained
1 box blueberries, washed and dried
1 can chocolate macaroons, shredded
Large glass bowl for serving
Prepare and chill pudding. Slice frozen sponge cake into thin slices and line the bottom of the glass bowl with 1/2 of the cake. Pour 1/2 of pudding and 3 sliced bananas, then shredded macaroons and add 1/2 of whipped cream, sliced strawberries and blueberries. Add rest of the cake, rest of the pudding and shredded macaroons. Place oranges along the sides of the bowl, lining them up, then add rest of whipped cream on top with whole strawberries. Serves 12.
1 cup margarine or 2 sticks of butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 beaten eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups sifted matzo cake meal
1/2 tsp. salt
10 oz. raspberry jam
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350°. Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, cake meal and salt. Mix well. Divide dough in half. Spread in a 9×13 inch greased pan dusted with matzo cake meal. Spread jam and nuts over dough. Cover with the remainder of dough, crumbled. Bake for 30 minutes. Cut in squares while warm. Yield: Approximately 3 dozen squares.
1/2 cup unsalted butter or margarine
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup matzo cake meal
2/3 cup walnut or pecan pieces (opt.)
8 inch square pan (not glass) lined across the bottom and up 2 sides with parchment paper or foil
Position a rack in the lower third of the oven. Preheat the oven to 400°. Melt the butter with the chocolate in the top of a double boiler or in a medium heatproof bowl set in pan of barely simmering water. Stir frequently until the mixture is melted and smooth. Remove the top of the double boiler from the heat; stir in the sugar, vanilla and salt. Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring until incorporated before adding the next. Stir in the cake meal and beat with a wooden spoon until the batter is smooth and glossy and comes away from the size of the pan, about 1 minute. Stir in the nuts if using. Scrape the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake until the batter just begins to pull away from the edges of the pan, 20 minutes. The surface of the brownies look dry, but a toothpick inserted in the center will still be quite gooey. While the brownies are baking, clear space in the freezer or prepare an ice bath instead. Fill a roasting pan or a large baking pan with ice cubes and water about 3/4 inch deep. When the brownies are ready, remove the pan from the oven and set it immediately in the freezer or ice bath, taking care not to splash water on the brownies. When cool, slide a knife between the pan and the brownies on the unlined sites. Lift the ends of the parchment or foil liner and transfer the brownies to a cutting board. Cut into 16 squares. Store in an airtight container for 2-3 days. Yield: 16 brownies.
Note: These brownies, baked at a high temperature, then cooled quickly in ice water, are crusty on the outside, but smooth and creamy within.

4-6 matzo
1 cup unsalted butter or margarine
1 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup coarsely chopped semi sweet chocolate or chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 375°. Line a large (or 2 smaller) cookie sheet completely with foil. Cover the bottom of the sheet with baking parchment on top of the foil. This is very important since the mixture becomes sticky during baking. Line the bottom of the cookie sheet evenly with the matzo, cutting extra pieces as required to fit any spaces. In a 3-quart, heavy bottomed saucepan, combine the butter or margarine and the brown sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil (about 2-4 minutes). Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and pour over the matzo, covering completely. Placed the baking sheet in the oven and immediately reduce the heat to 350°. Bake for 15 minutes, checking every few minutes to make sure the mixture is not burning (if it seems to be browning too quickly, remove the pan from the oven, lower the heat to 325° and replace the pan.) Remove from the oven and sprinkle immediately with the chopped chocolate or chips. Let stand for 5 minutes, then spread the melted chocolate over the matzo. While still warm, break into squares or odd shapes. Chill, still in the pan, in the freezer until set. This makes a good gift.
Variation: You can also use coarsely chopped white chocolate (or a combination of white and dark), chopped pistachios, or sliver toasted almonds (sprinkled on top as the chocolate sets). You can also omit the chocolate for the caramel-alone alone butter crunch. Yield: 3 dozen pieces.
Note: An outstanding, unique and easy confection. If you make only one thing at Passover, make this!